Our exclusive method of processing Aloe arborescens

by | 18 Mar 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

The uniqueness of our products is given by the method of extraction of Aloe Arborescens juice

The “HDR method”, typical of our company and protected by industrial secrecy, allows you to cold extract all the functional substances of high biological value present in the leaf and not only in the internal gel. The cuticle, the outer part of the leaf, contains a high percentage of active ingredients.

This method of processing, in addition to creating a juice rich in active ingredients, being made cold allows you to leave intact the active components and therefore the effectiveness of the Juice of Aloe Arborescens.

The choice of Aloe Arborescens and the extraction method, make us the ONLY ONES IN ITALY to have a range of products with these characteristics!!!

Thanks to all this, we decided to create a product line that totally overturns the conception of the product with Aloe. As a basis, we do NOT use Aloe Vera, but ONLY ORGANIC ALOE ARBORESCENS, coming from Italian crops.

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