Mestizo dog with skin tear and bleeding

by | 17 Mar 2021 | Clinical cases | 0 comments

Species and breed

Mestizo dog




5 years


Dr. Pierpaolo Colapietro


Dog’s Town Kennel – Pignataro (Ce)

Pathology found

Right anterior limb bite wound, humeral area

Aloeplus products used and dosage

Aloeplus Dermo Spray – 1 application every 12 hours for 30 days

Other products used

Antibiotic subcutaneously 0.6 ml per day for 8 days.

Detailed report

The dog identified with the microchip 380260010******, was found stray after being attacked by other subjects, and was transported to the Dog’s Town facility where, at the clinical visit, a bite wound was found in the right front limb, humeral area, with skin tear and bleeding. After disinfecting the wound, it was noticed that the region was too wide to be able to be surgically sutured. For this reason, the treatment was started with Aloeplus Dermo Spray, a application every 12 hours for 30 days to promote healing. To avoid secondary infections was used the antibiotic Repen, 0.6 ml per day subcutaneously, for 8 days. On the fifteenth day of therapy, the wound was vascularized and healing. On the 30th day the total was found wound closure.

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