Maltese dog with exfoliative dermatitis and inflammatory alopecia

by | 17 Mar 2021 | Clinical cases | 0 comments

Species and breed





5 years


Dr. Cristina Calabria


The Veterinary Clinic “from 0 to 4 legs” – Marigliano (Na)

Pathology found

Inflammatory alopecia on the tail and scrotum, exfoliative dermatitis on the tip
of the ears.

Aloeplus products used and dosage

Aloeplus Dermo spray – 2-3 applications per day on lesions;
Aloeplus Syrup – 4.6 ml per day

Other products used


Detailed report

Charly was examined on February 14 due to skin lesions. The dog lives in the house, follows home feeding and antiparasitic prophylaxis is not respected.

The owner complains of itching that the dog manifests by nibbling the tail and licking the testicles.

The E.O.G. was found to be normal; at the dermatological examination the subject had inflammatory alopecia on the tail and scrotum, exfoliative dermatitis
(abundant dandruff) on the tips of the ears. I was performing Scotch test positive result for flea feces. The Trichogram highlighted the presence of follicular molds typical of sebaceous adenitis whose cause is to be differentiated (DAP? vs Leishmaniasis?).

I propose blood sampling to carry out leishmania, blood count tests and biochemistry. The owner, however, refused to submit Charly to the withdrawal. I implement therapy with Aloeplus Dermo Spray and Syrup.

After 7 days the nibbling of the tail has disappeared while the licking persists but in a lower intensity. The lesions are improved (less erythematous).

After 14 days, the itching disappeared. Tail and tip of the ears are back to normal, resolved injuries at their expense. The lesion of the skin of the scrotum is greatly improved, in fact it is no longer erythematous but scales and crusts are still present.

On the 18th day the itching is resolved and the skin of the tail, ears and scrotum is intact. They remain alone some dandruff scales trapped between the hairs. Charly is cured, suspends therapy and respects prophylaxis antiparasitic.

Attached photographic material:




video interview clinical case


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