Itching in dogs: causes and natural remedies

by | 17 Mar 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

The itching in dogs it is a very common symptom among our four-legged friends.

For some time now you have noticed that your four-legged friend does scratch often or compulsively licks paws but you don’t know what to do? Let’s analyze the causes and find out what are the natural remedies to prevent the dog itch is the beginning of a serious and painful pathology such as the dermatitis .

Dog dermatitis: the main causes

It is very important to observe the dog’s behavior and take note of its attitudes: Which areas of the body does it scratch? Do you often shake your head? Do you have irritated skin or do you have any parasites on your coat? Causes of itching in dogs in fact they can be of various kinds:

  • Pests and insects: dermatitis can be a consequence of the attack of some insects, such as fleas or ticks. When the animal is bitten by fleas, a very small amount of saliva is injected under the skin, which causes inflammation.
  • Consumption of particular foods: dogs, like humans, can also develop some intolerances to certain foods. In these cases, the disorder can also be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Contact with irritants: irritants can be both natural and synthetic and can cause “contact” dermatitis in dogs.
  • Stress: following highly stressful conditions, the dog can scratch repeatedly, causing the typical symptoms of a dermatitis.
  • Non-food allergies: these are allergic reactions to some allergens that can be found in the air or in the environment surrounding the dog’s habitat.
  • Hormonal disorders: the main problem in the case of hormonal disorders is represented by the occurrence of endocrine alopecia linked to endocrine or immune dysfunctions.
  • Even the change of season can considerably affect the health of the dog, especially if it lives outside the home environment: in summer mosquitoes and other insects such as sand flies increase considerably therefore the use of specific pesticides is recommended for the treatment hottest and most dangerous months of the year.

It is important to promptly recognize the signs of a problem and book a consultation with the vet who will be able to provide a diagnosis thanks to a careful observation of your dog’s behavior in the previous days.


dog itch

Dog itching natural remedies: aloe arborescens to give relief and accelerate healing times

Natural remedies such as Aloe arborescens .

Between the properties and benefits of the plant , aloe arborescens is able to regenerate the skin, therefore, allows proper wound healing and helps skin renewal.

It’s about a substance highly moisturizing and humectant therefore, it is able to quickly soothe the itching associated with dermatitis.

Aloe arborescens contains active ingredients that act in reducing inflammation of the skin, and is very important in relieving symptoms.

More and more veterinarians rely on the powerful therapeutic properties of Aloeplus oral line for the care of our dear four-legged friends.

Among the natural remedies for dog itch we have it Aloeplus syrup for dogs with Aloe Arborescens and BIO Carrot.

It is a natural blend that can be classified among nutraceutical substances, or foods, with multiple beneficial health actions capable of assisting and / or normalizing the physiological functions of the organism.


Would you like to know more?
Click here to know all the beneficial properties of the Aloe Plus Dog syrup!


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