Experimentation on cancer cells

by | 18 Mar 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Aloe Arborescens extract, produced using our unique cold processing method (HDR Method), slows down the proliferation of cultured cancer cells*.

It is not our invention, but to say it is….

… THE FACULTY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY “FEDERICO II” OF NAPLES, which used our extract of Aloe arborescens on cancer cells of various types and the results were EXTRAORDINARY…

The study highlights a clear ANTIPROLIFERATIVE effect on different types of cancer cells and a pro-referential effect. The proficienctive effect allows healthy cells to continue to proliferate, while simultaneously inhibiting the proliferation of cancerous cells.

The topic of study is the treatment of hyperproliferative skin diseases and squamous carcinoma.

Below we have reported the full trial in English published in the journal PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH.

We thought that reading it in Italian is better, so we proceeded to translate an excerpt.

Happy reading…


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