Dogs and coronavirus: how to clean dog paws without risk

by | 17 Mar 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Following the dissemination of information that is not always correct regarding the topic of dogs and Coronavirus, we decided to write a short article with many useful tips on the care of our 4-legged friends dogs and coronavirus .

In this post, in particular, you will find out how to clean your dog’s paws safely after returning from a walk.

Can i get Coronavirus infection from my pet?

Before addressing the topic of cleaning the dog, it is important to immediately clarify the question of the possibility of contracting the Coronavirus infection from your pet.

As evidenced by the Ministry of Health in the answers to the frequently asked questions about Covid-19 there is no evidence that pets play a role in the spread of the Coronavirus which, on the other hand, has the main route of transmission in inter-human contagion.

However, since the survival of the new coronavirus in outdoor environments is not known with certainty, if the dog comes into contact with the paws with respiratory secretions expelled to the ground by infected people, it is theoretically possible that it can carry the virus, even if there are currently none evidence of infections occurring in this way.

For this it is need to clean the paws after returning from each walk without taking risks for our 4-legged friends.

Can i get Coronavirus infection from my pet?

In compliance with the precautionary measures provided for by recent regulatory provisions, you can take your dog out for his needs.

In a previous article of our blog we have already seen how to behave with dogs and cats to avoid contagion risks , through the interview with Dr. Daniela Di Scala, Veterinary Doctor and Health Director of the Veterinary Hospital “Amici degli animali” in Latina.

On returning from walks, to protect our four-legged friend it is advisable to provide for his hygiene.

In this regard, the Superior Institute of Health has already expressed, advising, upon returning from a walk, to “wash the dog’s paws with soap and water, similarly to what we do with our hands, taking care to dry them well and in any case it is advisable to avoid letting them climb with their paws on surfaces with which we come into contact “.

Here are some useful tips to ensure the optimal level of sanitation of your pet and of the whole domestic environment:

  • Prepare a microfiber cloth to moisten with warm water and neutral soap in a bucket / basin and a separate cloth to dry the fingertips well after rinsing the paws. A small brush can be useful to check for any residue of dirt between the inner spaces of the paw especially if your dog has long hair.
  • Don’t just clean the animal’s paws, but also the coat. Upon returning from the walk, on the landing, you can take a cloth and pass it on the fur of our animals
  • Avoid cleaning the dog with aggressive products and alcohol-based products that can induce irritation, causing itching.
  • No to bleach to disinfect dogs’ paws, not even diluted . As evidenced by numerous veterinarians, bleach is a very strong chemical and can cause burn-like lesions on the skin of dogs, especially on the foot pads.


dogs and coronavirus


Dogs and Coronavirus: disinfect dog paws the right way!

A great way to ensure your dog’s hygiene safely, is the Aloe Plus shampoo : not a dry shampoo but a classic shampoo in hypoallergenic spray formula, enriched with natural elements such as organic carrot and Aloe Arborescens bio .

Equipped with a practical dispenser, it allows you to apply the right amount of product even with one hand.

Click here to learn more about the product!

If you have any doubts or questions about cleaning your dog in full Coronavirus emergency, remember that the recent legislation also includes veterinary assistance among the assistance services, so if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your trusted veterinarian.


Recommended product to ensure the hygiene of your 4-legged friend!
Aloeplus spray shampoo for dogs with Aloe Arborescens and BIO Carrot.
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