Coronavirus, how to behave with dogs and cats to avoid risks

by | 17 Mar 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

We are experiencing days of anxiety and chaos related to the fear of Coronavirus.

While the ministry’s provisions regarding human behaviour are very clear, information concerning companion animals is often contradictory and unclear.

This confusion leads to irresponsible behavior, the data even speak of thousands of dogs abandoned by their owners for fear of contagion.

For this reason we decided to ask some questions to Dr. Daniela Di Scala, Veteriario Doctor and Medical Director of the Veterinary Hospital “Amici degli animali” of Latina, to clarify and avoid unfortunate behavior that can compromise our health and that of our pets.


Doctor good morning and as always we thank you for your availability. We would like to ask you some questions regarding the Coronavirus emergency that we are experiencing in these days.


Is the coronavirus dangerous for our 4-legged friends?

In Veterinary Medicine, numerous cases of coronavirus are known. These, like all viruses, tend to attack a single species. However, the coronavirus has one characteristic: under certain conditions it is able to make the species leap. At the moment there is no scientific evidence that demonstrates the transmissibility of the Covid-19 coronavirus from humans to other animals. The only dog that tested positive in Hong Kong is still in good health.


Can dogs and cats be carriers and transmit the virus?

It is highly unlikely that a pet can be a carrier of the virus, since the elimination of the virus occurs through bronchial secretions and the virus resists very little in the environment.

It is also true that, in an epidemic situation, it is possible that the Coronavirus can pass from man to dog or cat. But there is no evidence that the pet can act as a “vehicle”. It is in fact extremely difficult that in the pet it can reach an infectious quota and, therefore, be transmitted to the animal. However, we must all understand the delicate contingent situation, and remember that respect for the relationship with the pet also lies in having common sense and respecting hygiene rules. This does not mean demonizing the animal, but respecting it exactly as we must respect and protect people. For this reason it is recommended to wash your hands frequently with soap and water or using alcoholic solutions after contact with animals and clean the paws of our animals when the walk returns.


If a person is infected, should he avoid contact with pets?

There are no valid reasons why infected people should not come into contact with their animals.


What should be done if an animal needs care and has been in contact with an infected person?

If an animal needs treatment and has been in contact with infected people, it is good to contact your veterinarian and agree on the methods of visiting according to the urgency. Are there any special precautions to be taken for animals? Animals by their nature tend to lick anything and of course step on anything with their paws. This should not prevent us from taking them on a walk or to the park, but we also adopt the basic hygiene rules for them and clean the paws of our dogs when they return to the walk. If our cats have access to the outside, the same recommendations of common sense and responsibility also apply to them.


What advice do you feel to give to dog and cat owners?

The first rule is to keep calm!

Our lifestyle habits are undergoing major social changes. Our relationship with our animals must not change, but we must change our habits. Hygiene rules must be respected and common sense must prevail over all other aspects. One last recommendation that I would like to give: the owners of dogs and cats who belong to categories at risk of hospitalization or isolation, it is good that they contact one or more trusted people able to take care of their animals in case of need.



Recommended products to strengthen the immune system of our 4-legged friends
Aloeplus syrup dogs Aloeplus cat paste
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