Mestizo dog with bite wound in the hind limbs

Mestizo dog with bite wound in the hind limbs

 Species and breed Mestizo dog  Name Black  Age N.D.  Veterinary Dr. Daniela Di Scala  Ambulant Veterinary Hospital Friends of Animals – Latina  Pathology found Deep infected wounds in the hind limbs, with loss of substance and severe tissue detachment. Aloeplus...
Cat with halopecic lesion

Cat with halopecic lesion

 Species and breed European cat  Name Gina  Age 6 years  Veterinary Dr. Cristina Calabria  Ambulant The Veterinary Clinic “from 0 to 4 legs” – Marigliano (Na)  Pathology found Halopecic and inflammatory lesion on the right temple. Aloeplus products...
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