Cat with FIV, FELV, ulcers, gingivostomatitis

Cat with FIV, FELV, ulcers, gingivostomatitis

 Species and breed European cat  Name Funny  Age 5 years  Veterinary Dr. Di Franco Andrea  Ambulant Veterinary Clinic Dr. Di Franco Andrea Venafro (IS) – Italy Phone 339/1729471  Pathology found FIV, FELV, ulcers, gingivitis and stomatitis Aloeplus...
Maltese with dermatitis

Maltese with dermatitis

 Species and breed Maltese Dog  Name Joy  Age 5 years  Veterinary Dr. Cristina Calabria  Ambulant The Veterinary Clinic “from 0 to 4 legs” – Marigliano (Na)  Pathology found Licking dermatitis of the nipple and ventral vulvar lip. Itching that...
Mestizo dog with licking granulomas

Mestizo dog with licking granulomas

 Species and breed Mestizo dog  Name Milo  Age 2 years  Veterinary Dr. Cristina Calabria  Ambulant The Veterinary Clinic “from 0 to 4 legs” – Marigliano (Na)  Pathology found Licking granulomas on front legs, left front paw finger and left hind leg...
Mestizo dog with atopy and itching

Mestizo dog with atopy and itching

 Species and breed Mestizo dog  Name Maya  Age 8 years  Veterinary Dr. Biagio Fusco- Dr. Anita Fulop  Ambulant Ars Vet – Cardito (Na) – Italy  Pathology found Atopy with severe itching all year round, haloepecia and diffuse redness. Aloeplus products used...
Mestizo dog with sarcoptic mange

Mestizo dog with sarcoptic mange

 Species and breed Mestizo dog  Name White woman  Age 6 months  Veterinary Dr. Biagio Fusco- Dr. Anita Fulop  Ambulant Ars Vet – Cardito (Na) – Italy  Pathology found Diffuse sarcoptic mange, with lesions all over the body, sores, crusts and redness....
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