Aloeplus, an explosion of benefits

Aloeplus, an explosion of benefits

It may seem exaggerated, but we assure you that it is the reality, giving ALOEPLUS® to your dog or cat will bring them an explosion of benefits!” For you who want your dog or cat ALWAYS HEALTHY, we reveal what is the NATURAL secret to always have them in shape....
Treating dogs and cats with Aloe

Treating dogs and cats with Aloe

Treating dogs and cats with Aloe is a fascinating and healthy reality! Aloe is a legendary plant from southern Africa with multiple therapeutic effects. Excellent complement in the resolution of numerous pathologies present in humans, it has long been used also in the...
Mestizo dog with amputation wound

Mestizo dog with amputation wound

 Species and breed Mestizo dog  Name 2 years  Age Stain  Veterinary Dr. Diffidenti Carmine  Ambulant Veterinary Clinic Noah Telese (NL) – Italy Phone 338/7337753  Pathology found Left hind leg amputation wound Aloeplus products used and dosage Aloeplus...
Labrador dog with wasting, vomiting and diarrhea

Labrador dog with wasting, vomiting and diarrhea

 Species and breed Labrador dog  Age 4 months  Veterinary Dr. D’Amico Giovanni Nicola  Ambulant Veterinary Clinic D’Amico Castel di Sangro (AQ) – Italy Phone 338/3983165  Pathology found Wasting, vomiting and diarrhea Aloeplus products used and...
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