Aloeplus: let’s deepen the pharmacological aspects

Aloeplus: let’s deepen the pharmacological aspects

Aloe for more than 5000 years is considered as a miraculous plant and over the centuries has occupied an important role in the pharmacology of different peoples who have taken advantage of its innumerable properties to heal themselves and their animals. Thanks to the...
Dogs and coronavirus: how to clean dog paws without risk

Dogs and coronavirus: how to clean dog paws without risk

Following the dissemination of information that is not always correct regarding the topic of dogs and Coronavirus, we decided to write a short article with many useful tips on the care of our 4-legged friends dogs and coronavirus . In this post, in particular, you...
Itching in dogs: causes and natural remedies

Itching in dogs: causes and natural remedies

The itching in dogs it is a very common symptom among our four-legged friends. For some time now you have noticed that your four-legged friend does scratch often or compulsively licks paws but you don’t know what to do? Let’s analyze the causes and find...
Osteoarthritis in the Dog: 5 tips to get to a solution

Osteoarthritis in the Dog: 5 tips to get to a solution

Osteoarthritis in dogs is a pathology that can affect all breeds at any age, and consists of the degeneration of the joints, responsible for walking and in general for the correct movement of the bones. Dogs suffering from this pathology experience so much effort in...
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