Aloeplus, an explosion of benefits

by | 18 Mar 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

It may seem exaggerated, but we assure you that it is the reality, giving ALOEPLUS® to your dog or cat will bring them an explosion of benefits!”

For you who want your dog or cat ALWAYS HEALTHY, we reveal what is the NATURAL secret to always have them in shape.

Are you ready?


That’s right!!!
And what is the natural remedy that allows me to have all this?
Simple, it’s the ALOEPLUS®…

“All this happens thanks to the characteristics of the product, since no other natural product contains such a large number of active ingredients. It is as if we had a warrior available inside the organism who with his shield repels all external attacks! “

But we do not want to dwell on useless chatter, we think that the thing that can make you understand what we are talking about is to list the pharmacologically active components contained in Aloeplus.
Of course it will be a quick list, since for each listed component you could write a book.
Are you curious? Happy reading…


The compounds present can be divided into three large groups:

1) Complex sugars called mucopolysaccharides

2) Anthraquinones called “scavengers of the organism”;

3) Other functional substances

Now let’s analyze them in detail:

Glucose: performs a purely energetic action. Glucose helps to provide the energy necessary for the healing process, in a highly digestible and easily available way.

Mannose: how glucose participates in the supply of energy in the rehabilitation processes of the human body.

Glucomannans or mucopolysaccharides: considered very important both in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields given their various properties. Their filamentous consistency lends itself excellently to cover the walls of the digestive system and to protect it from hyperacidity and / or the presence of bacteria and harmful organisms.

Acemannan: Acemannan is the progenitor of carbohydrates and plays important actions on the gastrointestinal system and the immune system. It ensures the protection of the spinal cord from toxic agents used in medicine.

Cellulose: provides fiber, necessary to keep the intestinal villi clean and to produce consistent, but hydrated stools.

Haloetic acid: it has a natural antibiotic action, especially in synergy with barbaloin, isobarbaloin and aloemodin.

Cinnamic acid: antiseptic and germicidal activity.

Chrysophanic acid: depurative, laxative, diuretic and stimulant of bile secretion.

Salicylic acid: main component of aspirin, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action.

Aloemodin: has bactericidal and laxative properties, boasts markedly anticancer effects.

Aloin: active ingredient contained exclusively in the Aloe plant, has a strong antibiotic, purgative and detoxifying action

Isobarbaloin: has analgesic properties and serves as a natural antibiotic.

Calcium: essential for the healthy conduction of the osteo-articular and muscular system, both skeletal and cardiac.

Chromium: promotes the activity of enzymes and fatty acids, helping to control blood sugar and cholesterolemia.

Iron: essential for cellular respiration, therefore for the proper functioning of our body.

Phosphorus: together with calcium it deals with the formation and maintenance of bone tissue.

Germanium: it is able to rebalance the body especially in cases of crisis of immunological-defensive systems such as self-immunities and immunodeficiencies.

Magnesium: together with manganese it is necessary for the proper functioning of muscle activity and for an adequate information exchange of neuronal synapses.

Manganese: has a high antioxidant power, slows down the aging process.

Potassium: allows the elimination of waste products derived from oxidation and stimulates the body to its nutrition.

Copper: essential for the state of human health. It has remarkable anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. Limit free radicals.

Selenium: even if present in our body in traces, it is very useful. In fact, it is known as an antitumor substance and is also very important in the incidence of diseases related to aging.

Sodium: essential for our body, it helps regulate water balance. In particular, it manages the quantities of water entering and leaving cell membranes.

Zinc: has immunostimulating and invigorating properties.

Pro-Vitamin A (beta-carotene): has anticarcinogenic and dermocurative properties.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): plays a fundamental role in carbohydrate metabolism, its deficiency therefore does not allow to use the renowned energy derived from sugars.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): it is an indispensable regulator of metabolism and helps to keep glutathione levels stable.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin): it is the best antidote to the problems caused by cholesterol, for the speed of action, the cheapness of the product, the absence of side effects and the increase in the survival rate of multi-infected patients.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): indispensable in cell duplication, in the metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid): oversees protein synthesis in more complete ways than others.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): it is a valuable energy source for the body. Offers tonic and energizing qualities, strengthens memory and concentration

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid): plays an antioxidant role and inhibits free radicals.

Vitamin E (tocopherol): promotes the formation of new cells by giving health to the entire neuro-vegetative system.

Phospholipids (choline): its action produces a better fluidity of cell membranes

Inositol: inhibitor of cholesterol and triglycerides, blood pressure controller and disease preventive agent

Plant sterols: very powerful anti-inflammatories, without having the contraindications of synthetic steroidal anti-inflammatories.

Amylase: enzyme contained in saliva, allows part of the first digestion of starches.

Bradykinase: stimulates the immune system and performs an analgesic action.

Carboxypeptidase: enzyme responsible for healing and analgesic action.

Catalase: enzyme capable of splitting hydrogen peroxide, highly toxic to the vital functions of cells.

Cellulase: enzyme that helps the digestion of cellulose. Its action in case of raw or unpasteurized foods, is to help the digestive system. It makes the intervention of leukocytes useless in ways that the immune system can carry out its action where there is greater need.

Creatine phosphokinase: it can be defined as the supplier of prompt and immediate energy for muscle activity.

Phosphatase: carries out its action in the process of bone calcification and in the assimilation of nutrients after the digestion of food.

Lipase: regulates the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides present in the blood.

Protease: used for the digestion of proteins, it makes essential and secondary amino acids available. It has an immunostimulating and antitumor action.

Transaminases (sgot/sgpt): they are produced by the liver and muscles. Their action is carried out within the blood as they promote the cellular absorption of sugars and fats.

Lignin – substance that provides support material for the formation of the fecal body.

Saponins: they perform a purifying, antiseptic and antimicrobial action.

Phenylalanine: essential amino acid, stimulates mental, sexual, hormonal secretory activity and inhibits the desire for substances that induce drug addiction.

Isoleucine: valid support for those who do sports, as it has a remarkable anabolic power.

Leucine: promotes the healing of broken skin and bones given its intervention in the constitution of elastin and lowers high blood sugar levels.

Lysine: performs an immune strengthening action and promotes the acceleration of the resolution of the herpetic process (herpes), a pathology that affects about 60/70% of the human population.

Methionine: contributes to the reduction of fats in the liver and throughout the circulatory network of the blood, preventing any obstructions of the arteries.

Threonine: prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver, metabolizing the complex lipid chains and favoring their expulsion from the urinary system.

Valine: has glycogenic properties, i.e. it is a source of energy reserves for the liver and muscles.

Aspartic acid: controls and balances glucose and fatty acid concentrations.

Glutamic acid: improves the state of alertness of the person, giving him a good mood.

Alanine: induces a better immune response in our body, intervenes in oxidative processes, producing immunoglobulins and antibodies.

L-Arginine: it is believed to increase muscle mass.

Glycine: has a special value as a primary source of creatine, which creates the main energy transfer substrate of the human body.

Glutamine: protects against the harmful effects that alcohol causes at the neuronal level. It slows down the aging process and substantially fights depression and schizophrenia.

Hydroxyproline: oversees bone and collagen synthesis.

Histidine: has beneficial effects in fighting different forms of anemia, intervening in the stimulation of erythrocytes, inside the bone marrow. Very useful in case of rheumatoid arthritis.

Proline: it is extremely important for the health and functionality of the joints, tendons and heart muscle.

Serine: its activity boosts the immune system by producing immunoglobulins and antibodies.

Cysteine: guarantor of health and longevity.

Tyrosine: to it are attributed stress-inhibiting activities, antidepressants, stimulants of psychic energy. It proves useful in premenstrual syndrome and drug detoxification.

Hormones: two regulators of vital phenomena are contained in the precious Aloe juice, these are giberellins and auxins, which stimulate cell growth and healing processes in plant and animal tissues.


I know now what you’re thinking after reading this long list…

Surely you are wondering: But how is it possible that ALOEPLUS contains all these substances?

The answer is very simple….

It is given above all by the characteristics of Aloe Arborescens, since no other plant contains such a large number of active ingredients as to allow its universal use in numerous pathologies! To this are added the properties of carrot and honey.

“Aloeplus contains, for example, over twenty different types of mineral salts, this prerogative attributes to the products, properties comparable to the most modern multi-mineral and vitamin supplements.”


Give your 4-legged friend ALOEPLUS, for 3-4 cycles a year of 30-60 days each if you want to see him always in perfect shape and with an efficient Immune System!

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