Mestizo dog with licking granulomas

by | 17 Mar 2021 | Clinical cases | 0 comments

Species and breed

Mestizo dog




2 years


Dr. Cristina Calabria


The Veterinary Clinic “from 0 to 4 legs” – Marigliano (Na)

Pathology found

Licking granulomas on front legs, left front paw finger and left hind leg accessory finger. Itching that generates continuous licking and nibbling.

Aloeplus products used and dosage

Aloeplus Syrup- 6 ml per day for 30 days.
Aloeplus Dermo Spray – 2 daily applications for 30 days

Other products used


Detailed report

Milo is a mestizo who lives in the garden and follows a commercial diet. Antiparasitic prophylaxis is respected.
The owner takes Milo to visit because of the continuous licking. The E.O.G. is normal. On visual examination of the coat, licking granules are noted on the front legs that appear as circular lesions with alopecia, thickened and erythematous skin; the back of the right leg and the fingers also have erythematous skin.
The accessory finger (paw is swollen, erythematous with crusty area. Scotch test and Wood’s lamp are negative. I recommend leishmani tests and hypoallergenic diet. Immediately imposed therapy with Aloeplus Syrup and Aloeplus Dermo Spray. On the 20th day there has already been a clear improvement in the injuries, especially of the accessory finger. After 25 days the itching is under control, the lesion on the accessory finger has healed, while the lesions on the front legs are gradually improving. On the 35th day the lesions are almost completely closed, the coat is regrowing and the skin is no longer erythematous. After 60 days, the patient is returned to the visit and declared cured; in fact there is no longer any trace of the lesions and the legs are completely covered with a cloak.

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