Cat with halopecic lesion

by | 17 Mar 2021 | Clinical cases | 0 comments

Species and breed

European cat




6 years


Dr. Cristina Calabria


The Veterinary Clinic “from 0 to 4 legs” – Marigliano (Na)

Pathology found

Halopecic and inflammatory lesion on the right temple.

Aloeplus products used and dosage

Aloeplus Classic Pasta – 3 ml per day for 30 days.
Aloeplus Dermo Spray – 1 daily application for 30 days

Other products used


Detailed report

Gina is a 6-year-old sterilized cat. She lives in the apartment and shares the environment with three other cats.
She follows commercial diet, and antiparasitic prophylaxis is respected for her and the other three.
The owner takes Gina to visit because of a round, halopecic lesion, and erythematous edges, placed on the right temple and moderately itchy. The E.O.G. is normal and I proceed to the dermatological examination.
The Scotch test is negative, while the examination with Wood’s Lamp is positive. Trichological examination of fluorescent hairs shows invasion of hyphae and spores on the stem. I make a diagnosis of dermatophytosis and instauro therapy with Aloeplus Classic Paste 2 ml every 4 kg of weight per day, and application on the lesion of Aloeplus Dermo Spray 1 time per day. After 5 days of treatment, the cat scratches less, and the lesion is improved: the inflammation has turned off in the central area and remains only at the edges. On the 13th day, the itching is disappeared, it is already noticeable regrowth of the coat with residual crusts at the edges of the lesion. After 28 days, the cat is brought to visit and shows its temporal region completely covered with mantle. Not manifests more itching and dermatological examinations confirm the successful healing.

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